Topics Included
- Understanding the structure of arguments: argument forms, the structure of categorical propositions, Mood and Figure, Formal and Informal fallacies,
- Uses of language, Connotations and denotations of terms, Classical square of opposition.
- Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning.
- Analogies.
- Venn diagram: Simple and multiple uses for establishing the validity of arguments.
- Indian Logic: Means of knowledge.
- Pramanas: Pratyaksha (Perception), Anumana (Inference), Upamana (Comparison), Shabda (Verbal testimony), Arthapatti (Implication) and Anupalabddhi (Non-apprehension).
- Structure and kinds of Anumana (inference), Vyapti (invariable relation), and Hetvabhasas (fallacies of inference).
Quiz Set – 1 (Question 1 – 5)
1. What is HTML? 2. What does CAS stand for? 3. What does SDI stand for? 4. What does ILA stand for? 5. What does CCC stand for?
Quiz Set - 2 (Question 6 – 10)
1. What is HTML? 2. What does CAS stand for? 3. What does SDI stand for? 4. What does ILA stand for? 5. What does CCC stand for?
Quiz Set - 3 (Question 11 – 15)
1. What is HTML? 2. What does CAS stand for? 3. What does SDI stand for? 4. What does ILA stand for? 5. What does CCC stand for?
Quiz Set - 4 (Question 16 – 20)
1. What is HTML? 2. What does CAS stand for? 3. What does SDI stand for? 4. What does ILA stand for? 5. What does CCC stand for?
Quiz Set - 5 (Question 21 – 25)
1. What is HTML? 2. What does CAS stand for? 3. What does SDI stand for? 4. What does ILA stand for? 5. What does CCC stand for?